Area of Operations

Dryden Mutual is licensed to write policies on properties and commercial operations based in New York State. Out-of-state residents may purchase Dryden Mutual insurance policies only if the property they wish to insure is actually located in New York.
Dryden Mutual has been an admitted carrier located in New York State for over 160 years. Being admitted in NYS means that all of our policies are subject to and secured by the NYS Guarantee Fund. It also means that we must maintain certain audited levels of capital to meet NYS standards. The Guarantee Fund is required policyholder protection against potential insurance carrier insolvencies. For additional policyholder protection, all Dryden Mutual insurance policies are reinsured by one of the largest, most financially secure reinsurers in the world. Dryden Mutual is licensed to only write insurance on properties and commercial operations based in New York State.
Rating Bureaus

Dryden Mutual is a subscriber to the Underwriters Rating Bureau (URB) and American Association of Insurance Services (AAIS) for rates and forms. Our rates and forms are on file and justified by filings with the New York State Insurance Department. This allows us to assure the public that the rates and insurance coverage we offer meet certain standards of fairness.

Dryden Mutual is organized as a NYS co-operative fire insurance company. This means the company does not issue stock and is not a publicly traded company. Like other co-op organizations in the business world, Dryden Mutual does not exist to make profits for stockholders, but instead exists for the benefit of our policyholder owners.
Profits made by the company are re-invested in building up our capital base. Our capital base, technically referred to as policyholder surplus, is required to provide a cushion of security to ensure our ability to pay legitimate claims on a timely basis. As our capital base expands, it also serves and supports even more customers. We do not pay dividends directly, but use profits to keep rates as steady as possible.
Dryden Mutual’s employees and directors are thoroughly committed to supporting the New York State economy through efficient transfer of risk for local families and businesses.