Independent agents represent many insurance carriers offering products and services in addition to those that Dryden Mutual offers. Using an independent agent ensures that our clients have access to all the insurance coverages they require. For that reason, Dryden Mutual uses independent agents as the sole distribution system for our products. Dryden Mutual insurance is sold at over 450 agency locations across the state. You can locate an independent agent nearest you by clicking our Agent Finder button.
Most of the independent agents in New York belong to one of two associations that can provide more information about the value of choosing an independent contractor. They are:

Dryden Mutual Insurance Company is a strong advocate of the Independent Insurance Agency distribution system. We believe that an Independent Insurance Agent system offers “choices” for their insurance customers. Just as all people have unique insurance needs, their insurance solutions should be unique also. As a measure of our belief in the Independent Insurance Agency system, we are longtime financial supporters of the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America (IIABA) Trusted Choice and programs.

Professional Insurance Agents of CT, NJ & NY (PIA)
25 Chamberlain Street, P.O. Box 997
Glenmont, New York 12077-0997

5784 Widewaters Parkway, 1st Floor
Dewitt, New York 13214